兩度自私人療養院落跑 布蘭妮要怎樣?







剃完光頭~布蘭妮戴金假髮跑趴 被爆怕輸官司瀕臨崩潰





布蘭妮單身後的第一個情人伊薩克柯漢(Isaac Cohen)則透露,小甜甜很擔心會失去兩個兒子,因為對她來說,兒子就是她的全部,而且「很明顯地,布蘭妮還沒走出離婚的陰影!」而布蘭妮繼續跑趴玩樂的同時,萊恩亦應女兒要求,幫她照顧兩個兒子。


Is Britney Spears Paris Hilton's lesbian lover?

Sunday December 3, 12:37 PM
London, Dec 3 (ANI): It seems that Paris Hilton's relationship with Britney Spears may be more than just a platonic friendship. The hotel heiress had raised eyebrows when pictures of her in a lesbian clinch with Venezuelan MTV star Eglantina Zing during a modelling shoot started making the rounds. However, though Hilton herself has insisted that the two "were just larking around", an inside source revealed that she and Zing had definitely got hot and heavy, and that Hilton was now having a bit of a problem keeping her hands of Spears. "Paris just couldn't keep her hands off Eglantina. And she responded-kissing and running her hands all over Paris's body. But right now Britney's the one - Paris can't get enough of HER!" the News of the World quoted the source, as saying. And it seems that's what really has the princess of pop's family worried, for Britney has been increasingly losing her clothes (read underwear) in Hilton's company. "Paris loves the fact that Britney gets turned on by going commando. She even demanded that Britney take her knickers off in front of her. Britney just obeyed," the source revealed. The insider also let slip that it had been spontaneous combustion for both women the moment they met in Las Vegas two weeks ago. "They went into a toilet and came out 20 minutes later, clothes and hair all over the place. They love to prance naked in front of each other and that night they really got to know each other," the source said. The insider revealed that Britney's mum Lynne is now seething, for she believes that Britney's antics will come back to bite her, and that the 'Toxic' singer might even end up losing custody of her sons to estranged hubby Kevin Federline. "She (Lynne) was relieved when her daughter dumped rap husband Kevin Federline. But with Britney going for custody of her two young sons, Lynne fears her antics might influence the judge," the source said. (ANI)



Paris Defends Britney's Parenting

By WENN | Tuesday, December 12, 2006

HOLLYWOOD - Paris Hilton has hit out at critics of Britney Spears, insisting she can party and still be a good mother.

The pair have rapidly become bosom buddies, and are regularly spotted out on the town together in Los Angeles and Las Vegas--prompting some to question the time Spears dedicates to her 1-year-old son Sean Preston and three-month-old Jayden James.

But Hilton writes on her MySpace page, "Lately, you've been seeing pics of me and Britney partying (blah blah) and she knows that some of her fans are very upset about what they call her 'behavior' and sadly they're blaming the issue on her being friends with me.

"For people to call out her parenting skills on behalf of her partying ethics is appalling. Britney loves her kids to death, and I know for a fact that it truly hurts her when she sees these cruel things being written about her. She goes home every night to her babies and partying has not come in the way of her parenting.

"Anyone who has called her out on this should really be ashamed. There are thousands of mothers out there who like to go out and have a good time. But, you do not see people out there calling them 'bad parents.' She's young, and if she wants to go out and have some fun, let her. Just because she does these things does not mean she doesn't care about her children. For the sake of Britney and her kids, be kind. Love, Paris."




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